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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
The GOP and the DNC; Birds of a feather...
Mood:  down
Topic: Politics
The GOP and the DNC in their current forms represent two failed ideologies. The ironic part is that both are ideologies that America fought against, first in WWII and again in a more subtle way during the cold war. The ideologies I speak of are Fascism and Socialism.

In the GOP we find the ugly face of Fascism. Fascism goes by many names but is most often characterized by a philosophy that stresses the glory and primacy of the state and consequently, the subordination of the individual to the state’s authority (read Homeland Security/REAL ID). The military is often celebrated while “liberal” values are disparaged. Fascism is also characterized by its protection of large business and industrial concerns. In reality Fascism is just a form of Socialism that favors a certain social class.

Where Fascism fails as an ideology is that in protecting certain favored businesses and industry from competition it takes away the incentive on those businesses to remain productive and innovative. Stagnation is an inevitable result. Less competition in the market results in higher prices and thus lower demand for goods. Central control assures that products in demand are not necessarily produced. Such policy would inevitably result in a dissatisfied populace. Historical solutions to this problem have been the creation of a “scapegoat class,” which may be victimized as a temporary distraction, and later enslaved for a temporary boost in production, creation of a strong internal policing organization to control the populace and discourage dissent, and territorial expansion and the plundering of other nations wealth and resources. Eventually Fascism fails either from within in the form of popular rebellion, or without in the form of defensive reaction from other nations.

In the DNC we find the ugly face of Socialism. Socialism is a broad term describing any number of political systems in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control. It is similar in many respects to Fascism (which of course is itself a variety of socialism) in that it favors a strongly centralized state and requires the subordination of the individual to the central state authority. The main differences are in the beneficiary; whereas Fascism favors powerful large businesses, Socialism claims to favor the interests of the poor and labor classes.

Where socialism fails as an ideology is that in implementing various social egalitarian measures to redistribute wealth to the poor and labor classes it takes away the incentive of all classes to be productive. The workers production lags as he realizes that increased production is not financially rewarded while the owners of business (if there is still any private ownership) are discouraged from the risks of investment and production by the decreased rate of return on their investments due to heavy taxation. Such policies, as we find in Fascism, decrease production, raise the price of goods, and inevitably result in a dissatisfied populace. Historical solutions to the problems resulting from socialism are similar to Fascism, as is the eventual cause of failure.

Over the last century and a half both the GOP and the DNC have gradually corrupted our political system to reflect these two failed ideologies. A slow slide into tyranny is the likely outcome of our current course, followed by a violent readjustment, either from within, or without. I pray that people open their eye and see how far their country has diverged from the constitution on which it was founded before it is too late. But history tells me that the slow slide will continue, and that the blood of some future generation will be the price we will have to pay to restore liberty once again.

Posted by trueliberal0 at 11:59 AM PDT
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